What is 801S Vibration Sensor with Arduino Leave a comment

The 801S Vibration Sensor is a module use to detect vibration or mechanical movements. It is commonly employe in various projects and applications where the detection of physical vibrations is required. This sensor can used for purposes such as security systems, impact detection, and vibration monitoring. Here are some key features and information about the 801S Vibration Sensor:

  • Operating Principle: The 801S Vibration Sensor is typically based on a piezoelectric crystal. When the sensor experiences a mechanical vibration or impact, it generates a small voltage signal due to the deformation of the crystal. This signal can used to detect the vibration.
  • Output: The sensor typically provides a digital output signal. When a vibration is detect, the sensor output goes from a LOW to a HIGH state. It can interface with microcontrollers or other digital devices.
  • Sensitivity Adjustment: Some versions of the 801S sensor come with a sensitivity adjustment potentiometer. This allows you to adjust the sensor’s sensitivity to different levels of vibration.
  • Operating Voltage: The sensor usually operates at a low voltage, typically around 3.3V to 5V, making it compatible with most microcontrollers.
  • Applications: This sensor is often use in applications where the detection of movement or vibration is essential, such as in burglar alarms, motion-activated lights, or as part of a system to monitor the integrity of structures or machinery.
  • Wiring: The sensor typically has three pins: VCC (power supply), GND (ground), and OUT (output). Connect VCC and GND to your power supply, and the OUT pin to a digital input pin on your microcontroller.


/* Company Name:LK Tronics
* Author: Research & Development Department
* Date: 2020/ 08/ 25
* https://lk-tronics.com/
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const int vibrationPin = 3;  // Define the pin

void setup() {
  pinMode(vibrationPin, INPUT);  // Set the sensor pin as an input

void loop() {
  int vibrationState = digitalRead(vibrationPin);  // Read the state of the sensor
  if (vibrationState == HIGH) {
  Serial.println("Vibration detected!");//Print a message when vibration is detected



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